Ako súčasť nášho poslania, ktorým je zvýšenie informovanosti a výmena informácií, dobrá prax a poradenstvo so širokou verejnosťou, organizujeme veľa podujatí v priebehu roka. Patria sem malé semináre, na ktorých sa stretávajú naši zainteresovaní partneri s odborníkmi na bezpečnosť a ochranu zdravia pri práci, aby predstavili zistenia zachytené v našich publikáciách a aby o nich diskutovali, ale i podujatia na úrovni členských štátov organizované v spolupráci s našimi kontaktnými miestami, či sympóziá a veľké medzinárodné konferencie, ako sú svetový kongres alebo naše európske samity, ktorými sa uzatvárajú kampane Zdravé pracoviská.
Dokonca ani na naše najväčšie podujatia nemôžeme pozvať každého, kto by mal záujem, preto je cieľom tejto sekcie poskytnúť vám možnosť „virtuálnej“ účasti: nájdete tu prezentácie rečníkov, zhrnutie diskusií, ktoré sa konali po každej prezentácií, a celkové závery z podujatia. Keď nám to našej zdroje umožnia, budú tieto zhrnutia uverejnené vo všetkých úradných jazykoch EÚ.
- EU-OSHA´s premises, Bilbao
On 4/5 October 2023, EU-OSHA’s E-tools seminar took place with the title ”Prevention in the construction and other outdoor workplaces’” . Five speakers were invited to introduce the topic and share examples on the use of e- tools for OSH in the...
- Hybrid meeting: Thon Hotel EU, Brussels (Belgium) or online
The Healthy Workplaces Campaign Partnership Meeting, held for the first time as a hybrid event — in Brussels and online on 21 September, gathered international and European companies and organisations to discuss the 2023-25 campaign ‘ Safe and...
Supporting the European Year of Skills , EU-OSHA and its sister agencies Cedefop, ELA, ETF and Eurofound — in partnership with the European Parliament and the European Commission — hosted a joint event to discuss current and future EU skills needs...
- EU-OSHA´s premises, Bilbao
Smart monitoring systems using artificial intelligence, machine learning, and sensing technologies are entering EU workplaces and they are redefining safety and health (OSH). EU-OSHA, under its OSH overview project has been looking into the...
Given the importance of the sector, in 2022 the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) carried out a follow-up sectoral study of the European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks (ESENER). The main aims were to analyse the...
Digital platform work is all paid work provided through, on or mediated by an online platform, that is, an online marketplace operating on digital technologies that facilitate the matching of demand for and supply of labour. The work provided through...
- Comet Meetings – 5th floor, Louise, Pl. Stéphanie 20, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium
Automating tasks through technological advancements has been an ongoing process in many industries. Although still in their infancy in terms of deployment, artificial intelligence (AI)-based systems for the automation of both cognitive and physical...
- Euskalduna Conference Centre, Bilbao
Leading European experts and decision makers gathered in Bilbao on 14 and 15 November for a two-day conference to reflect on the outcomes of the Healthy Workplaces Lighten the Load 2020-22 campaign and share insight on the future of musculoskeletal...
- Brussels
The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA), together with Future Impacts, is organising the workshop "Alternative futures for the Circular Economy (CE) and Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) in 2040 – Cross-cutting implications and...
Topic of this year’s e-tools networking event was the use of digital technology, especially wearables, for Risk Assessment in the context of Occupational Safety and Health. Four speakers were invited to introduce the topic and present examples used...
EU-OSHA’s recent good practice exchange event addressed current occupational safety and health (OSH) challenges by bringing together its dedicated group of official campaign partners. For two days in Brussels, business practitioners, social partners...
On the 8 th of June 2022 EU-OSHA organised an online expert workshop on OSH Monitoring systems (e.g wearables, smart apps or drones) and their impact on Safety and Health. The workshop is part of EU-OSHA’s OSH Overview research project (2020 - 2023)...
Given the importance of the sector and the specific occupational safety and health (OSH) risks that its workers face, in 2021 the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) carried out a follow-up sectoral study of the European Survey of...
The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA), together with Future Impacts, organised the virtual workshop "Alternative futures for the Circular Economy (CE) and Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) in 2040 - Sectors most affected"...
The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA), together with Future Impacts, organised the virtual workshop "Alternative futures for the Circular Economy (CE) and Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) in 2040 - Vulnerable workers within...
Two new Future of Work (FoW) articles were presented and discussed in EU-OSHA’s Focal Points FoW webinar of 2022. The first article on Cybersecurity and OSH, and the second on OSH as a key factor for attracting new personnel. The aim of the articles...
After being one of the last seminars held physically in 2020, the focal point seminar on the Future of Work articles in 2021 was decided to take place online and in autumn instead of beginning of the year as usual. Nevertheless, participation was...
The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work organised a virtual workshop, “New forms of worker management based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and their implications for occupational safety and health (OSH)”, which took place on the 4 th of...
The main goal of the webinar was to share experiences and information on recent developments regarding MSD Mobile phone apps. Through presentations of examples of phone apps covering different aspects of MSD risk assessment and prevention the...
The online workshop on ‘Advanced robotics and AI-based systems for automation of tasks – Perspectives on occupational safety and health (OSH)’, is one of the first of four main priority areas under the digitalisation operational activity of the...
- Bilbao
On 5 July 2021 the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) organised an online symposium to discuss the new EU Strategic Framework on Health and Safety at Work 2021-2027. The event addressed major questions about the future in one of...
On 9 June, the Healthy Workplaces Campaign Partner Good Practice Exchange event was held online with a number of interesting presentations which lead to lively discussions and valuable feedback on how to move forward in the frame of the Healthy...
In this FOP webinar, the first raw scenarios of EU-OSHA’s foresight study on the topic of the Circular Economy (CE) have been presented and interactively discussed. Although the event had to take place online, discussion has been fruitful via breakout sessions in subgroups and plenary feedback and Q&A, in the same way as it would have taken place in a ‘real’ physical seminar.
As a consequence of the COVID-19 crisis, millions of workers across Europe and beyond have been required to stay home and work from there, and there are expectation that this practice will stay in place still for a while as a mean to contain the...
The webinar is intended to explore the connection between work-related psychosocial risks and musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), and to identify relevant prevention strategies. The presentations and the emerging discussions that will be part of this...
This online seminar was organised in the framework of a multiannual research programme on work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) carried out by EU-OSHA in the period 2018-2020. This seminar - jointly organised by the European Agency for Safety...
- Online conference
The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work hosted the online conference “Musculoskeletal disorders prevalence, prevention and policy. What have we learnt? Evidence from EU-OSHA research". The conference concluded a multiannual research...
Ahead of the launch of the 2020-2022 campaign — Healthy Workplaces Lighten the Load — representatives of European and international enterprises and organisations joined EU-OSHA for a virtual campaign partnership meeting. They learned about the...
- Bilbao, EU-OSHA premises
In February 2020, a Focal Point Seminar has taken place to present the new 2019 review articles on the Future of OSH and to discuss them with the EU-OSHA Focal Points. One of EU-OSHA’s areas of work looks at what the challenges will be in the future...
- Euskalduna Conference Centre, Bilbao
The event brought together leading European experts and decision makers that discussed the results of the two-year campaign, shared knowledge and explored future strategies for effective prevention, and sustainable management of dangerous substances...
This report summarises the proceedings of a high-level conference on the effective management of occupational safety and health (OSH) in micro and small enterprises in the construction sector and the agriculture and forestry sector. It followed up on...
- EU-OSHA premises, Bilbao
An expert meeting on the value of occupational safety and health (OSH) took place on 10 and 11 October at the EU-OSHA’s premises in Bilbao. Leading OSH experts and representatives from ILO/WHO and ICOH looked at the findings of the second stage of EU...
The 2019 E-tools seminar has followed the same format as previous years, this year focused on three key questions: What are the drivers and barriers to achieving this integration of e-tools into the policy context? What are the success factors for...
- University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain
The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) welcomed its network partners and high-level European and national representatives to a celebration of 25 years of working together for a safe and healthy Europe. Two panel sessions offered...
This workshop aimed to present the findings of EU-OSHA’s Foresight on new and emerging occupational safety and health (OSH) risks associated with digitalisation by 2025 as well as to demonstrate how the scenarios produced as part of the foresight can...
This seminar was organised by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work in collaboration with ENETOSH in the framework of EU-OSHA´s MSDs OSH overview activity. There are reports of schoolchildren reporting musculoskeletal pain at earlier...
The Healthy Workplaces Campaign partner event 'Exchange of good practices in occupational safety and health (OSH)' was a 2-day event full of plenary talks and practical workshops. Official campaign partners, media partners and representatives from...
At this Seminar the three new 2018 articles on the Future of OSH have been presented and discussed with the EU-OSHA Focal Points. One of EU-OSHA’s areas of work looks at what the challenges will be in the future with the aim of improving policy...
Digital technologies, including Information Communication Technology Enabled Technologies such as robotics, artificial intelligence, wearables and online platforms are likely to have major impacts on the nature and organisation of work over the next...
Digital technologies, including ICT enabled technologies such as robotics and artificial intelligence, are likely to have major impacts on the nature and organisation of work over the next years. This workshop was organised with EU-OSHA’s Focal Point...
A seminar on e-tools related to the road transport sector was hosted by EU-OSHA in Bilbao in September 2018. The aim was to analyse the wide variety of situations at work that can lead to occupational safety and health (OSH) risks related to...
- Brussels, Belgium
The findings of EU-OSHA’s three-year project on occupational safety and health (OSH) in micro and small enterprises (MSEs) were presented and their implications discussed at a high-level conference held in Brussels on 19 June 2018. The overall...
Co-organised with the European Commission Directorate General for Research and Innovation, this conference will demonstrate how human biomonitoring activities contribute to science, policy making and citizens’ awareness raising. Participants will see...
- FPS Employment, labour and Social Dialogue, Rue Ernest Blèrot, 1 - 1070 Brussels
The workshop on Protecting workers in the Online Platform Economy: regulatory and policy developments in the EU took place in Brussels on 24 May. Organised by EU-OSHA, the aim was to discuss the findings of a study that was carried out to get an...
On 31 January 2018, in Leuven (Belgium), the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) brought together more than 30 leading experts and policy-makers from various European countries to discuss and consolidate the results of the project...
This report summarises the delivery and outcome of a dissemination and promotion workshop for a foresight project on new and emerging occupational safety and health (OSH) risks associated with information and communication technologies (ICT) by 2025...
- Euskalduna Conference Centre, Bilbao
The event brought together leading European experts and decision makers to discuss the results of the 2-year Healthy Workplaces for All Ages campaign. In plenary and smaller parallel sessions, participants exchanged good practices and explored future...
The event took place on 18 October 2017 at the A+A 2017 Safety, Security and Health at Work — International Trade Fair in Düsseldorf, Germany. It was jointly organised by EU-OSHA, the German network of regional labour inspectorates (LASI)...
- Hilton hotel, Schiphol Amsterdam
The preliminary findings of a project commissioned by EU-OSHA in 2015-2017 were presented and discussed at a workshop on 10 October 2017 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The project aimed to address the lack of knowledge and awareness of exposures to...
The seminar held in Brussels on 5 October 2017 is part of an EU-OSHA larger project on rehabilitation and return to work after cancer. It built e.g. on a literature review on Rehabilitation and return to work after cancer. The seminar gathered...
On 26 and 27 September 2017, EU-OSHA hosted a seminar in Bilbao to discuss OSH e-tools for dangerous substances. The main objectives of the seminar were to share experiences and information about the development, adaptation, use, promotion and...
The workshop held in Brussels on May 18 th 2017 built on EU-OSHA’s review of existing alert and sentinel approaches for the detection of work-related diseases. The workshop gathered system’s owners and users, researchers and actors in the disease...
On 17 May 2017, EU-OSHA and the European Commission jointly convened a conference to discuss how to support micro and small companies (MSEs) through the use of interactive risk assessment tools. The purpose of the conference was to assess the tools...
- EU-OSHA premises
On May 11, 2017, EU-OSHA organised a meeting with its Focal point members to be briefed and question in parallel sessions the two experts who have written the latest discussion articles looking at the impact on OSH on two emerging risk areas. Egon L...
On 21 and 22 September 2016, EU-OSHA hosted a seminar in Bilbao to discuss about OSH e-tools. The purpose of the seminar was mainly share experiences and information in the development, adaptation, use, promotion and maintenance of e-tools. It was...
In 2014, the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) launched a 3-year project to help improve occupational safety and health (OSH) outcomes for all micro and small enterprises (MSEs) across Europe. The overall aims are to provide...
- Residence Palace - International Press Centre, Brussels
On 16 March 2016 in Brussels, previous and potential campaign partners and media partners were introduced to the 2016-2017 EU-OSHA campaign “Healthy Workplaces for All Ages”.
Employment in a healthy and safe working environment is not only beneficial for the individual employee but also for employers and insurers and therefore enhances the European economy. Employers with high occupational safety and health standards tend...
- EU-OSHA Premises - Calle Santiago de Compostela 12, 5th floor - Bilbao
On 1-2 December 2015, EU-OSHA organised a seminar as part of its European Neighbourhood Policy project, bringing together representatives from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, as well as representatives from EU Member States and the...
- Euskalduna Conference Centre, Bilbao
The event is bringing together leading European experts and decision makers to discuss the results of the ‘Healthy workplaces manage stress’ Campaign 2014-15, exchange good practices and explore future strategies for managing stress and psychosocial...
On 22 October 2015, INRS along with EU-OSHA chaired a workshop in the framework of the USE Conference 2015. A Healthy Working Life in a Healthy Business (21-23 October, Hanze UAS, Groningen, The Netherlands). This workshop was aimed at highlighting...
- Radisson Blu Hotel, Rue du Fossé aux Loups 47 Wolvengracht B-1000, Brussels, Belgium
One of the objectives of the conference was to receive expert opinion and validate the main findings of the project by independent experts (Prof. Dr Paulien Bongers, Prof. Maria Albin, Prof. Juhani Ilmarinen, Prof. Stephen Bevan and Dr Irene...
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- EU-OSHA premises - Santiago de Compostela, 12 - 48003 - Bilbao
On 11 June 2015, EU-OSHA hosted a seminar in Bilbao to discuss three review articles on the future of work. The main aim was to identify possible emerging risks or challenges for safety and health at work from crowdsourcing, the use of performance...
With the support of the European Commission in the framework of the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI), EU-OSHA hosted an EU-North Africa seminar in Bilbao on 21-22 April 2015. The seminar brought together our partners in...
- The Residence Palace (Rue de la Loi 155, Brussels)
This two-day event organised by EU-OSHA and the Official Campaign Partners of the Healthy Workplaces Campaign clearly demonstrated the importance of managing occupational safety and health (OSH) and psychosocial risks and stress in particular...
- ITUH, Boulevard du Roi Albert II, 5; 1210 Brussels
Debates over retirement age and keeping older workers working are ongoing across Europe. This has put the sustainability of work on the agenda. But how should gender issues be part of making work sustainable, so the whole workforce, men and women...
On 28 January 2015, EU-OSHA hosted a workshop in Bilbao to discuss new and existing initiatives in the EU and beyond aimed at preventing health problems associated with silica and artificial stone. The workshop included representatives from the...
- INRS, 65 boulevard Richard Lenoir, Paris
The evolution of computer technology and Web use practices explains the development of more and more online interactive tools (“e-tools”). The occupational health and safety sector is no stranger to this trend/evolution. Many occupational health and...
- Crowne Plaza Hotel – Le Palace, Brussels
During the seminar the report “Psychosocial risks in Europe: Prevalence and strategies for prevention” was launched. The report is a joint publication from the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) and the European Foundation for...
- De Bazel Café & Conference Center, Vijzelstraat 32, 1017 HL Amsterdam.
- Residence Palace International Press Centre, Brussel
The event presents to the Campaign Partners our new two-year Healthy Workplaces Campaign ‘Healthy workplaces manage stress’, as well as discussed ways of how partners can get involved, including on how to become an official Partner of the 2014-15...
- Hotel Thon Brussels – Rue de la Loi 75 – B-1040 Brussels
This workshop, based on the Green Jobs project, was held in Brussels on 20 March 2014 for the European Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee (SSDC) Electricity. The objectives were: To raise the understanding of the members of the European Sectoral...
- ANSES, French Agency for Food, Environment and Occupational Health and Safety, Paris
- European Parliament
The conference was organized in the context of the European Parliament’s pilot project on the health and safety of older workers on 2 December 2013, in the European Parliament. The overall objective of the project is to help inform policy...
- EU-OSHA premises - Gran Vía, 33 - Bilbao
In early 2010 EU-OSHA commissioned a study “Foresight on New and Emerging Risks Associated with New Technologies in Green Jobs by 2020” (see report below under resources and attachments). The study, which ran for two years, was carried out by a...
Closing event of Healthy Workplaces Campaign 2012-13 ‘Working Together for Risk Prevention’ took place on 11-12 November 2013 at the Bizkaia Aretoa conference centre in Bilbao, Spain.
- FPS Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue, Rue Ernest Blérot 1, 1070 Brussels, Belgium
The seminar 'Moving towards 2020 - priorities for OSH research for the years 2013-20' was a follow-up to the EU-OSHA report on ‘Priorities for occupational safety and health research in Europe: 2013-2020’ and it aimed to validate the findings of the...
- Hotel Century Old Town Prague
- Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs premises - Berlin
- UIC-Patrimoine, 16 rue Jean Rey, Paris
The seminar was organised by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) and Institut de Recherche et de Sécurité (INRS, France) within the framework of the project on the Priorities for occupational safety and health research in the...
- Residence Palace International Press Centre, Brussel
The event present to the Campaign Partners our upcoming two-year Healthy Workplaces Campaign on “Working together for risk prevention” as well as discussed ways of how partners can get involved, including on how to become an official Partner of the...
- Bizkaia Aretoa conference centre, Bilbao
This summit brings together leading European experts and decision-makers to exchange good practice and discuss future strategies on promoting safe maintenance. At the same time, it provides an opportunity for the Agency and its partners to evaluate...
- European Parliament, rue Wiertz – Room: JAN 6Q2 - B-1047 Brussels
Young workers in Europe have been facing since a long time many difficulties in accessing the labour market and in particular finding a quality and secure employment, which should allow them to start a decent and independent life. Moreover, the...
- Conseil Central de L'Economie, Avenue de la Joyeuse Entrée, Brussels
This seminar assessed the health and safety situation of women at work within the European Union (EU). It was held over one day and included speakers and facilitators from seven EU countries. The main role and purpose involved engaging stakeholders...
- Square - Brussels Meeting Centre, room 100 - Brussels
The Belgian EU Presidency organised a series of events to reflect on 'Investing in well-being at work'. The conference: 'Maintenance: do it safely', organised jointly by the Presidency and the European Agency for Health and Safety at Work (EU-OSHA)...
- European Parliament, Rue Wiertz 43, 1047 B-Brussels - Building Altiero Spinelli A
The Economic Incentives Expert Group is an expert group established by EU-OSHA to give advice and input to the related Agency products and help promote the products among stakeholders. In line with the EU OSH Strategy 2007–2012 the aim is to...
- INAIL, Direzione Generale - Sala Consiliare, 2th floor, Piazzale Giulio Pastore, Rome
The economic incentives expert group is an established Agency expert group which gives advice and input to the related Agency products and helps to promote the products among stakeholders. The aim is to stimulate discussions in Member States about...
- MULTIBURO, Square de Meeûs 38 - 40, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
EU-OSHA organised a stakeholder meeting on mainstreaming occupational safety and health (OSH) into education in Brussels. This process covers broader risk education as well. The seminar was jointly organised with the European Network on Education and...
- Federal Public Service Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue - Brussels
The cleaning industry is one of the largest and most dynamic service sectors in the European Union. Rapidly developing technological processes require rapidly developing maintenance and cleaning procedures. Cleaning is a generic job — it is carried...
- European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, (EU-OSHA) - Gran Vía, 33 - Bilbao
The economic incentives expert group is an established Agency expert group which gives advice and input to the related Agency products and helps to promote the products among stakeholders. The aim is to stimulate discussions in Member States about...
- FPS Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue - Brussels
NEW OSH ERA “New and Emerging Risks in Occupational Safety and Health - Anticipating and dealing with change in the workplace through coordination of OSH risk research” is a project funded within the ERA-NET scheme under the Sixth EU Framework...
- Luxembourg
The Second Advisory Committee on Safety and Health Workshop on National OSH Strategies took place in Luxembourg on 7-8 October 2009. The presentations of the workshop can be found here.
- FPS Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue 1, Ernest Blerotstreet, Brussels
The problems of both violence and harassment at work have created special interest in recent years, which has resulted in many scientific and popular publications related to this topic. Also, social preoccupation has increased and different political...
- FOD Werkgelegenheid, Arbeid en Social Overleg (FPS Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue) 1, Ernest Blerotstraat Brussels, Belgium
At the beginning of 2009 the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) published the report “Expert forecast on emerging chemical risks related to occupational safety and health”. This was the last of a series of four European Risk...
- European Agency for Safety and Health at Work - Bilbao
The European Union strategy 2007-12 on occupational safety and health (OSH) recognises that there is a need to use economic incentives to motivate enterprises to apply good practice in their prevention work. The European Agency for Safety and Health...
- European Agency for Safety and Health at Work - Bilbao
In the scope of the new Community Strategy, the Agency's European Risk Observatory will implement a foresight study to identify new OSH risks that may emerge over a ten-year time horizon. The objective of the seminar was to share experiences in...
- FPS Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue - Brussels
On 8-9 April 2008, in Brussels, EU-OSHA brought together leading experts at a high level workshop to discuss and consolidate the results of the Agency’s expert forecast on emerging psychosocial risks, which focused on issues such as precarious work...
- PREVENT, Brussels
The aim of the seminar “Occupational biological risks: Facing up to the challenges”, organised by EU-OSHA in Brussels on 5-6 June 2007, was to consolidate the results of its expert forecast on emerging biological risks with policy makers, social...