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Expert workshop on (digital) OSH monitoring systems

On the 8th of June 2022 EU-OSHA organised an online expert workshop on OSH Monitoring systems (e.g wearables, smart apps or drones) and their impact on Safety and Health. The workshop is part of EU-OSHA’s OSH Overview research project (2020 - 2023) aiming to provide in-depth information for policy, prevention and practice regarding the challenges and opportunities of digitalisation for OSH. The workshop presented a working taxonomy of these systems, their risks and challenges as well opportunities for OSH. Moreover, the ways for employers to effectively integrate them into the workplaces were presented. The workshop hosted a wide range of researchers, designers, employers’, and employees’ representatives who discussed and analysed in detail the present, and the future of new OSH monitoring systems.

Event Details

Start date
End date


Workshop Summary (335.36 KB)
Drawings (2 MB)

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