Seminar reports
Back to seminarsMainstreaming occupational safety and health (OSH) into education
EU-OSHA organised a stakeholder meeting on mainstreaming occupational safety and health (OSH) into education in Brussels. This process covers broader risk education as well. The seminar was jointly organised with the European Network on Education and Training in OSH (ENETOSH). The meeting brought together, among others, occupational safety and health (OSH) stakeholders, education stake holders, child/youth safety stakeholders, youth employment stakeholders and social partners from the EU level and member states. The aims of the meeting were to: a ) present the latest developments in mainstreaming OSH into education - including taking a ‘whole-school approach’ that combines risk education for students with the management of health and safety is schools in order to create a safe learning environment for pupils and staff; b) share experiences and priorities and discuss a common way forward with the various stakeholders.
Event Details
MULTIBURO, Square de Meeûs 38 - 40, 1000 Brussels, Belgium