Seminar reports
Back to seminarsHigh-level Workshop Smart Monitoring Systems
Smart monitoring systems using artificial intelligence, machine learning, and sensing technologies are entering EU workplaces and they are redefining safety and health (OSH).
EU-OSHA, under its OSH overview project has been looking into the opportunities and challenges of these systems for OSH. Together with Ecorys, the Agency has been working on an overview of research and practices of smart monitoring systems for improving workers’ safety and health. Part of this work is already available on EU-OSHA’s website.
This two-day hybrid workshop brought all of this work together. On its first day, the workshop classified smart monitoring systems, assessed their challenges, risks, and opportunities for different sectors and provided insights into their future prospects. On the second day, it presented real-world examples of companies featured in the study that were both manufacturing and using smart monitoring systems. It examined what these companies saw as the greatest challenges and opportunities. The two days have seen wide participation from a diverse group of stakeholders, including OSH specialists, researchers and public officials from all over Europe.
Watch the recordings:
Video 1 |Welcome and introduction - Francisco Jesús Alvarez Hidalgo, European Commission, DG EMPLOYMENT’s perspective
Video 2 |Welcome and introduction - Giacomo Mattino, European Commission, DG GROW’s perspective
Video 3 |Smart digital systems for OSH: An overview of types, applications, opportunities and challenges - Kyrillos Spyridopoulos, Project Manager, Ecorys
Video 4 |Applications of smart digital systems for OSH: A selection of case studies - Pawel Hess, Project Manager, Ecorys
Video 5 |Case study 1 - Artificial Intelligence for ergonomic safety solutions - Matthew Hart
Video 6 |Case study 2 - Artificial Intelligence for capturing unsafe events - Dan Hobbs
Event Details
EU-OSHA´s premises, Bilbao