Seminar reports
Back to seminarsMoving towards 2020: Priorities for occupational safety and health research for the years 2013-20
The seminar 'Moving towards 2020 - priorities for OSH research for the years 2013-20' was a follow-up to the EU-OSHA report on ‘Priorities for occupational safety and health research in Europe: 2013-2020’ and it aimed to validate the findings of the report and to discuss the priorities for OSH research for 2013-20 in view of the broader challenges Europe is facing. The aim was also to discuss how to promote OSH research coordination and funding in Europe and mainstreaming OSH research in other policy areas. The participants of the seminar included research directors and representatives of funding bodies, representatives from Member States, representatives of the European Commission, and European social partners.
Event Details
FPS Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue, Rue Ernest Blérot 1, 1070 Brussels, Belgium