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Focal Point Seminar on “Review articles on the future of work"

At this Seminar the three new 2018 articles on the Future of OSH have been presented and discussed with the EU-OSHA Focal Points.

One of EU-OSHA’s areas of work looks at what the challenges will be in the future with the aim of improving policy, regulation and raising awareness on OSH in order to reduce work-related accidents and ill-health. For example, under this ‘emerging risks’ activity, EU-OSHA ran a foresight project ( that used scenario-building to explore future risks related ICT developments.

In addition, EU-OSHA commissioned articles by dedicated experts about upcoming topics; for example, on crowdsourcing, 3D printing, or monitoring of workers. The aim of the articles is to stimulate discussion, especially on possible implications for health and safety, and to trigger inspiration.

In 2018 EU-OSHA has commissioned four new articles, one on Management by Artificial Intelligence, one on the use of Big Data for Inspection Efficiency, and one on Social innovation in the context of Digitalisation  and OSH.

The articles have been presented by the authors and afterwards there have been  discussion rounds with the focal point (see program).

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