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Final conference of the SESAME project: When size matters … the way forward in improving occupational safety and health in Europe’s micro and small enterprises (MSEs)

The findings of EU-OSHA’s three-year project on occupational safety and health (OSH) in micro and small enterprises (MSEs) were presented and their implications discussed at a high-level conference held in Brussels on 19 June 2018. The overall objective of the project was to identify policies, strategies and practical measures that are effective in improving OSH in MSEs. In this way, the project aimed to provide evidence-based support for policy-making and the development and implementation of new or existing programmes and practical tools. Members of the project’s research team and representatives of international organisations, public authorities, research institutes and social partners discussed the results. The participants gave their perspectives on the findings and explored how this research could now be used to bring about improvements in OSH in Europe’s MSEs.

Event Details


Brussels, Belgium

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End date


Event summary (986.13 KB)
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