Seminar reports
Back to seminarsOccupational safety and health e-tools in the policy context
The 2019 E-tools seminar has followed the same format as previous years,
this year focused on three key questions:
- What are the drivers and barriers to achieving this integration of e-tools into the policy context?
- What are the success factors for tool developers and policy-makers to achieve this
- How will the situation change in the future?
- Are there new areas where there can be greater integration (e.g. economic incentives, supply chain) and/or Are there new technological developments coming to help or hinder the process?
Introductions from different viewpoints (government, employers, employees) haven been provided, followed by expert speakers from three Member States on their experience with the implementation of a specific e-tool or set of e-tools. Viewpoints, practices and experiences, as well as opportunities for networking for collaboration in the future have been discussed in working groups.
Event Details
Start date
End date
Seminar summary
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Number of pages