Töötajate kaasamine ohutu ja ergonoomilise puutöökoja kavandamisse, kasutades SOBANE-meetodit ja imiteerimist
Keywords:Kui Belgia Namuri provintsi ametiasutused otsustasid paigutada kinnisvara remondi ja hoolduse osakonna ümber uude hoonesse, kutsuti üksuses töötavad puusepad osalema tööruumi ja puutöökoja kavandamises.
Juhtumiuuring rõhutab juhtkonna, puuseppade, ergonoomiku ja arhitekti edukat koostööd ohutu ja ergonoomilise töökoha loomisel. Ergonoomik aitas projektile kaasa ja tegi tihedat koostööd kahe puusepaga, et analüüsida riske ja määratleda uue töökoja nõuded. Nad tegid mitu imitatsiooni, et määrata tööjaamade ja masinate parim paigutus uutes ruumides, arvestades ruuminõudeid ning tervise ja ohutuse aspekte.
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Carrying out participatory ergonomics
This article provides some basic guidance on how to carry out participatory ergonomics in the workplace, in particular for preventing musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). It draws on a longer article on participatory ergonomics[1].
Informing and consulting workers on occupational health and safety is a legal requirement[2][3] and worker involvement, to take account of their experiences and knowledge of their work and associated hazards, is vital for effective risk assessment and prevention. As well as improving worker acceptance of the workplace changes they have contributed to, it has the potential to improve communication between workers and management[4]…
Occupational safety and health management systems and workers’ participation
As an essential element of each occupational safety and health management system, workers’ participation influences its effectiveness. Numerous cases and experience confirm that workers participation in OSH management can result in improved safety, health and well-being of workers. The participation can be implemented as indirect (through representatives) or direct, weak or strong, formal or informal, etc. Development of workers participation in OSH management is supported by legal regulations as well as standards and guidance on OSH management systems.
Defining and characterizing workers’ participation
The general framework for…