Praktické nástroje a pokyny týkající se muskuloskeletálních poruch

Naše snadno použitelná databáze zahrnuje celou řadu praktických nástrojů a pokynů, které byly vyvinuty na úrovni EU i na úrovni jednotlivých států s cílem zjednodušit pracovištím hodnocení muskuloskeletálních poruch a řízení souvisejících rizik.

Mezi zdroje, které pokrývají celou řadu odvětví, druhů nebezpečí a preventivních opatření, patří případové studie i vizuální materiály. Některé jsou zaměřeny konkrétně na určité subjekty, například zaměstnavatele, pracovníky nebo vedoucí pracovníky, některé na řízení muskuloskeletálních poruch u konkrétních skupin pracovníků. Tyto zdroje je možné filtrovat podle kterékoli z těchto kategorií nebo podle celé řady dalších kritérií, takže bez problémů najdete přesně to, co hledáte.

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Resources available (1434)

Guides & Tools EU English
Provider (English)

This paper extends knowledge on MSDs in multiple sclerosis (MS) and their effect on the working activities of those affected. The work conditions and environment of people with MS often need to be adapted to their health status, as factors related to work, support and symptoms affect the ability to...

Guides & Tools EU English
Provider (English)
Provider (Original)

There is strong evidence that psychosocial and organisational factors raise the risk of MSDs, especially when combined with physical risks. This discussion paper gives an overview of the prevalence of MSDs in Europe and looks at the case of Italy, where a growing phenomenon of MSDs in the workplace...

Guides & Tools EU English
Provider (English)
Provider (Original)

Home-based working has some advantages, such as saving time on the office commute. However, it is also associated with an increase in prolonged sitting, social isolation from colleagues and difficulty in disconnecting. This info sheet explains why this can have a negative impact on teleworkers’...

Visual resources EU English
Provider (English)
Provider (Original)

This PPT focuses on home-based telework and why it should be part of every employer’s risk assessment process. It also describes the main work-related MSD risk factors associated with telework and provides preventive measures to address them.

Visual resources EU English
Provider (English)
Provider (Original)

This PPT focuses on home-based telework and why it should be part of every employer’s risk assessment process. It also brings up how employers should establish a telework policy that includes provisions on occupational risk assessment, ergonomic equipment, working hours and expected results.

Case study Španělsko English
Provider (English)
Provider (Original)

This case study outlines ErgoPar (Ergonomía participativa), a participatory ergonomics approach developed in Spain. The key feature of ErgoPar is that it should involve all company stakeholders, such as top and middle management, different groups of workers and safety experts in identifying work...

Case study Itálie English
Provider (English)
Provider (Original)

This case study highlights the steps involved in a participatory intervention to reduce occupational risks for boiler assemblers and how it was adopted into the company’s prevention culture.