

Þessi síða sýnir viðburðardagatal fyrir vinnuverndarmál í Evrópu og víðar. Listinn inniheldur helstu vinnuverndarviðburði, sem EU-OSHA skipuleggur, helstu hagsmunaaðila þeirra og samstarfsaðila svo og önnur viðeigandi samtök.

Það geta ekki allir sótt viðburði okkar svo hér má einnig finna hlekki á kynningar og samantektir á helstu umræðuefnum frá sumum af viðburðum okkar.


September 2024

Brussels, Belgium

The future of work with AI and robotisation: screening and discussion in Brussels

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly evolving and becoming an integral part of many areas of our lives, including the workplace. In response to this shift, an event has been organised to examine how AI is transforming the work environment and the risks it poses. As part of the event, there will...

Nicosia, Cyprus

Cyprus: workplaces safety legislation updates and case studies for labour inspectors

An upcoming seminar by our focal point in the country, Department of Labour Inspection, Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance will strengthen the knowledge and practical skills of labour inspectors in key areas of workplace safety and accident prevention. An analysis of the latest workplace...

Dresden, Germany

Building a Resilient Future: Towards sustainable safety in a rapidly changing world

“ Working on Safety – WOS ” is an international network of decision makers, researchers and professionals responsible for the prevention of accidents and trauma at work. The network aims to bring prevention experts together from all over the world in order to facilitate a high level exchange of...

Online, Slovenia

Seminar in Slovenia tackles work-related musculoskeletal disorders

Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are among the most common work-related health problems in the EU, which reduces workers’ quality of life, as well as capacity to work. An upcoming event in Slovenia aims to provide insights into its prevention, diagnosis and management. Hosted by our focal point...

Pärnu, Estonia

Learning about digital risks and understanding the Labour Inspectorate in Estonia

Our national focal point Labour Inspectorate of Estonia (Tööinspektsioon) will host a seminar for students, providing strategies to handle any occupational safety and health (OSH) issues they may face in their careers. As digitalisation continues growing in the world of work, new challenges and...