

Din il-paġna tippreżenta kalendarju tal-avvenimenti relatati mas-saħħa u s-sigurtà okkupazzjonali (OSH) fl-Ewropa u lil hinn minnha. Il-lista tinkludi avvenimenti tal-OSH ewlenin organizzati mill-EU-OSHA, mill-partijiet interessati tagħha u mis-sħab tagħha, kif ukoll minn organizzazzjonijiet rilevanti oħrajn.

Mhux kulħadd ikun jista' jattendi l-avvenimenti tagħna, għalhekk ser issib ukoll links għall-preżentazzjonijiet u għas-sommarji tal-punti ta' diskussjoni ewlenin minn xi avvenimenti.


October 2024

Online, Portugal

Screening of ‘Human, not Human’ for students in Portugal

The documentary ‘Human, not Human’ will be screened for higher education students in Portugal at an upcoming event organised by our focal point in the country Autoridade para as Condições do Trabalho . The film, which received a special mention from the jury at the 2023 Healthy Workplaces Film...

Maribor, Slovenia

Students in Slovenia learn about OSH in a digitalised world

In an era marked by rapid digitalisation and technological advancements, the concept of work is undergoing an important transformation. To explore these shifts and their implications for occupational safety and health (OSH), a seminar hosted by our focal point in Slovenia, Ministrstvo za delo...

Łódź, Poland

Addressing emerging risks, psychosocial issues and burnout prevention in Poland

A conference dedicated to addressing new harmful factors, health risks and psychosocial issues at work and in everyday life is taking place soon. Organised by our Polish focal point, Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy , the activity brings together professionals from...

Santiago de Chile, Chile

XXIV International ORP Congress: "At Work: One Life, One Planet - Digitalisation and Well-being: New Era for Prevention"

The XXIV International ORP Congress , titled 'Work and OSH in the age of artificial intelligence: a labyrinth of complexity', will delve into the theme of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its implications on boundaries and nature of work. Occupational health and safety is also being affected by the...

European Union, EU

European Week for Safety and Health at Work

Happening every year in October (calendar week 43), the European Week for Safety and Health at Work is a highlight of every Healthy Workplaces Campaign. With hundreds of awareness-raising events taking place across the EU and beyond. Organised by EU-OSHA and its partners, each European Week has the...