Living with arthritis - work

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Living with arthritis - work

Living with arthritis - work

Type of item
Guides & Tools
Ir-Renju Unit


Provider (English)
Versus Arthritis
Provider (Original)
Versus Arthritis


Living with arthritis can be challenging and carrying out everyday tasks can be difficult. Although many jobs are desk-based, a lot of workers carry out manual or physical activities as part of their work. Physically demanding jobs may pose particular challenges and obstacles for people with arthritis or related conditions. However, support is available and there are many things you can do to help you to live a fulfilling life. This website provides help and information also for working with arthritis.

Living with arthritis can be challenging and carrying out everyday tasks can be difficult. Although many jobs are desk-based, a lot of workers carry out manual or physical activities as part of their work. Physically demanding jobs may pose particular challenges and obstacles for people with arthritis or related conditions. However, support is available and there are many things you can do to help you to live a fulfilling life. This website provides help and information also for working with arthritis.

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Other data

Ħidma b’kundizzjoni/marda eżistenti tal-MSD
Health effects
Aggravar ta’ kundizzjoni (kronika) eżistenti
Worker groups covered (vulnerable groups etc.)
Persuni li jbatu minn disturb jew marda ta’ MSK
Prevention measures
Pariri u miżuri sempliċi
Adjustments/support for chronic MSD disorder/disease/pain suffers
Taħriġ/gwida (għall-ħaddiema)
Purpose of the material
Informazzjoni ġenerali
Target audience