Praktische Tools und Leitlinien zu gefährlichen Stoffen

Von Mitgliedstaaten, Organen und Einrichtungen der EU, Wirtschaftsverbänden, Sozialpartnern und anderen Akteuren ist eine ganze Reihe von Instrumenten und Leitliniendokumenten erarbeitet worden, die den Unternehmen bei einer umfassenden und wirksamen Gefährdungsabschätzung helfen sollen. Diese Instrumente sehen sehr vielfältige Ansätze für ein wirksames Management gefährlicher Stoffe vor. Häufig befassen sie sich mit bestimmten Arbeitsvorgängen, wie beispielsweise dem Abfüllen oder Pumpen von Flüssigkeiten oder mit Schweißvorgängen. Andere Quellen bieten einen umfassenden Überblick über eine bestimmte Stoffgruppe (wie sensibilisierende Stoffe) oder gehen auf typische Risiken in bestimmten Branchen ein.

Die meisten dieser Instrumente sind zudem nicht nur einer guten Gefährdungsabschätzung zuträglich, sondern enthalten auch gute praktische Lösungen, erklären, wie sich Risiken in gängigen Arbeitssituationen verringern lassen, in denen es zu einer Exposition gegenüber gefährlichen Stoffen kommt. Es gibt aber auch Instrumente für spezifische Akteure, unter anderem für Arbeitsaufsichtsbeamte, kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen und Arbeitnehmervertreter. Es lohnt sich also, das auf der Website aufgeführte Hilfsangebot zu durchforsten.

Praktiske værktøjer og vejledninger om farlige stoffer

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Resources available (929)


The website provides a summary report and the presentations of a Workshop held in March 2009 on reprotoxic substances and endocrine disrupters at the workplace.  
In the presentations, findings of a report by EU-OSHA were presented and discussed and complemented with inputs from various exports of...

Provider: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
Country: EU

The aims of the guidance document are (1) to assist in the assessment of the risk of hepatitis B and C and HIV infection to healthcare workers and (2) to provide efficient prevention measures for and information on pre- and post-exposure prophylaxis, with particular emphasis on jobs at high risk.

Provider: Országos Epidemiológiai Központ (OEK)
Country: Ungarn

Workers working in an automotive workshop are exposed to many dangerous substances. The 'Hazardous Substances Check' helps automotive workshops to carry out a risk assessment and to decide on the protective measurements required, depending on the potential hazard. The 'Hazardous Substances Check'...

Provider: Amt für Arbeitsschutz Hamburg
Country: Deutschland

The factsheet explains what respiratory sensitisers are, provides information on the workplaces where they may occur and introduce prevention measures at all levels of the control hierarchy. The factsheet was developed for the 2003 European Week for Safety and Health at Work as part of a series of...

Provider: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
Country: EU

For the 2003 European Week for Safety and Health at Work, EU-OSHA produced a series of factsheets containing information on occupational safety and health specifically in relation to dangerous substances. This factsheet contains information on skin sensitisers as well as preventive measures in...

Provider: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
Country: EU

This factsheet summarises a European Risk Observatory report on young workers, which aims to provide a review of the hazards that young workers are exposed to at work. It does this by analysing statistics and studies, and selected case studies of prevention. Many of the sectors and occupations that...

Provider: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
Country: EU

This factsheet outlines the risks of workers in educational establishments, including in laboratories.

Provider: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
Country: EU

This short factsheet provides an overview of the basic risk management related to dangerous substances at the workplace. It briefly describes legal obligations and outlines the process of risk assessment and implementation of preventive measures.

Provider: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
Country: EU

Workplace safety depends on risk awareness. Employers and workers need to know the dangerous substances that exist in the workplace and how to deal with them. This factsheet offers hints for successful communication in the workplace about dangerous substances, including the use of safety data sheets...

Provider: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
Country: EU

This case study describes the application and benefits of a dutch guide on preventing legionella risks on ships.

Legionella outbreaks have occurred on ships, and onboard water systems are a risk factor. The Transport and Water Management Inspectorate of the Netherlands (Inspectie Verkeer en...

Provider: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
Country: EU