The aim of this blog is to bring you news about developments in occupational safety and health across the EU and beyond, and also about EU-OSHA initiatives and activities to fulfill our mission.
We are one of the smallest EU agencies and cannot promise to reply to every comment, but we will read them and bear them in mind to shape our future work. The blog content is available only in English.
Latest posts
On 18 June 2024, EU-OSHA participated in an event organised by the Albanian Focal point, the Seniour Labour Inspectorate and Social Service (SLISS), aiming at raising awareness on the importance of social dialogue.
On 11 and 12 June 2024, Belgium, the EU Member State holiding the EU Council presidency, hosted in Brussels the EU-OSHA Focal Point meeting. The FOP meeting was organised back to back with the EU Presidency conference on Carcinogens, on 13 June.
On 28 May 2024, EU-OSHA participated in a workshop, organised by the Focal Point of Montenegro, the Administration of Inspection Affairs, aimed at raising awareness on the importance of social dialogue.
On 28 April 2024, EU-OSHA participated in a workshop organised by ILO in Pristina, Kosovo, to raise awareness on OSH-related topics and to mark the World OSH Day.
EU-OSHA translated the Healthy Workplaces Campaign leaflet and flyers to IPA languages
On 6 February 2024, the Administration of Inspection Affairs, the Safety at Work Association of Montenegro (SWAM), and an OSH psychologist/psychotherapist organised and delivered an OSH awareness raising workshop to 30 selected media employees and journalists.
On 26 October 2023, EU-OSHA participated at an event organised by the national NGO Tutela to promote the publication of a booklet containing selected poems and stories on occupational safety and health written by primary school children.
On 25 October 2023, EU-OSHA participated at the conference organised by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of North Macedonia (Focal point) aimed at raise awareness on the OSH risks related to digitalisation as well as to officially kick-off the HWC 2023-2025.
The third Focal Point meeting of 2023, organised by EU-OSHA, was hosted by Spain, holding the EU Council presidency, in Toledo, on 25 and 26 September 2023, back to back with the EU presidency conference on psychosocial risks.
On 14 September 2023, EU-OSHA organised an on-line seminar to introduce to the IPA beneficiaries its recent publication "Heat at Work - Guidance for Workplaces"