Outils pratiques et orientations concernant les substances dangereuses

Un certain nombre d’outils et de documents d’orientation ont été mis au point par les États membres, les institutions européennes, les associations d’entreprises, les partenaires sociaux et d’autres acteurs pour aider les entreprises à effectuer des analyses de risque complètes et efficaces. Ces outils illustrent une grande variété d’approches destinées à gérer efficacement les substances dangereuses. Ils couvrent souvent des opérations de travail spécifiques, telles que le remplissage ou le pompage de liquides, ou les procédés de soudure. D’autres sources donnent un aperçu complet de certains groupes de substances, comme les substances sensibilisantes, ou mettent en avant les risques typiques dans certains secteurs.

En outre, en plus de contribuer à une évaluation des risque de haute qualité, la plupart de ces outils proposent de bonnes pratiques, expliquant comment réduire les risques dans des contextes professionnels courants comportant une exposition aux substances dangereuses. Il existe également des outils destiné à aider des acteurs spécifiques, comme les inspecteurs du travail, les petites et moyennes entreprises et les représentants des travailleurs, pour ne citer qu’eux. Il vaut donc vraiment la peine d’explorer le site pour découvrir l’aide à votre disposition.

Outils pratiques et orientations concernant les substances dangereuses

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Resources available (929)


This website provides practical advice and guidance on the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002. On the website you can find information on what the law requires and advice on completing COSHH assessments. 

Provider: HSE — Health and Safety Executive
Country: Royaume-Uni

The website provides access to a guidance document for company physicians working with workers who have or had cancer. A background document and summary are provided as well. 
The guidance discusses diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of workers who have cancer.

Provider: De Nederlandse Vereniging voor Arbeids- en Bedrijfsgeneeskunde (NVAB)
Country: Pays-Bas

The Stoffenmanager is an electronic tool supporting the assessment of occupational exposure to and risk assessment from of chemicals, with the nanomodule focussing on nanoparticles, i.e. chemicals which are in at least 1 dimension smaller than 100 nm. It allows to qualitatively assess occupational...

Provider: Stoffenmanager
Country: Pays-Bas

This guideline about safety data sheets is divided into 3 parts. Part A provides a general introduction to safety data sheets: the legal background, the requirements that are set and the overall structure. Part B provides substantive information about how to interpret an incoming safety data sheet...

Provider: Nederlandse Vereniging van Ziekenhuizen
Country: Pays-Bas

The report describes the method developed by RIVM to calculate product-specific intervals required for workers wearing personal protective equipment when (re-)entering pesticide sprayed crops. Currently, gloves can be prescribed for workers on the label of a PPP. However, information on the label...

Provider: Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu
Country: Pays-Bas

The document explains how to assess risks of using chemicals in the workplace. It outlines 5 steps to get started, including identification of hazardous substances, data collection, exposure assessment and checking how the situation can be improved. A FAQ section is included to clarify common issues...

Provider: 5xbeter
Country: Pays-Bas

Detailed evaluation of the Health Council about the risks from asbestos exposure, e.g. from floor replacement, construction or repair and maintenance of ships. The carcinogenic effects of asbestos are (re-)assessed, resulting in a recommendation to lower exposure limit values. 

Provider: Gezondheidsraad
Country: Pays-Bas

The RIVM report analyses current approaches on risk assessment and risk management in the context of chemical incident prevention. Scenarios are developed for new and high-risk workplaces to derive incident prevention and response measures. Recommendations and policy questions regarding European...

Provider: Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu
Country: Pays-Bas

The publication provides an overview about possible occupational hazards in the industrial cleaning sector, including hazardous chemicals, and required safety measures for protection. The cleaning activities may expose workers to disinfectants, acids and bases as well as other chemicals.

Provider: A Autoridade para as Condições do Trabalho
Country: Portugal

This easy-to-use guide aims to support technicians and senior occupational safety technicians in the exposure assessment of exposure to chemical agents.
The guide refers to national legal provisions and community laws, thereby interrelating and consolidating the minimum requirements on workers...

Provider: Autoridade para as Condições de Trabalho
Country: Portugal