Alert and sentinel systems: RNV3P, France
Keywords:Part of a series of five in-depth studies of Alert and Sentinel approaches for detecting, monitoring and preventing new work-related diseases (WRDs), this article focuses on the RNV3P network in France.
The network, set up in 2001, draws together 31 work-related disease consultation centres in hospitals where occupational health physicians investigate the suspected WRDs and collect data into a permanent national database. The network has developed a specific thesaurus of exposures and uses specific methods for the detection of new WRDs based on data mining and identification of disproportionality signals in the database. It can generate three types of alerts, going from a notification to an internal group of RNV3P actors to trigger secondary prevention, to alerting the OSH and public health authorities for potential action at the national level.
Find out more about how the RNV3P network operates.