
The Ministry of Labour and Social Security is the main responsible organization in the field of OSH, in collaboration with other ministries and stakeholders, and is responsible for developing, implementing and enforcing legislation.

The focal point on behalf of the Ministry is the Directorate General of Occupational Safety and Health. The Directorate General;

  • Conduct research in order to prevent occupational accidents and diseases
  • Ensure cooperation and coordination between national and international organizations and institutions
  • Carry out the transaction related to the OSH Services
  • Perform publicity and awareness activities in the field of OSH
  • Carry out market surveillance of personal protective equipment

In Türkiye, a tripartite collaboration is crucial in occupational safety and health practice. There are several mechanisms for collaboration with relevant organizations, the most important of which is the National Occupational Safety and Health Council. The Council is composed of government bodies and representatives from worker and employer organizations. The Council creates a platform where the partners could discuss, express their opinions and define the priorities, needs, policies and strategies in the field of OSH.

The Occupational Safety and Health Law includes all workplaces and workers, including civil servants, workers at private enterprises; regardless of the number of employees or the kind of work.  The ultimate aim of the OSH Law is to prevent occupational diseases and accidents, and other physical and mental health problems of the workers related to work and the work environment. 

Other OSH related departments of the Ministry:

  • Guidance and Inspection Board inspects the compliance with OSH regulations at workplaces in addition to inspections in the field of working conditions such as employment status, wages, working hours, unionization.
  • Social Security Institution (SGK) collects and analyses data about labour life, provides occupational statistics and compensation in case of occupational diseases and accidents.
  • Occupational Health and Safety Research and Development Institute (İSGÜM) is an affiliated body of DGOSH. İSGÜM is responsible for carrying out the transaction related to the laboratories working in the field of OSH; conducting risk assessments, measurements, tests and analyses at workplaces; organizing trainings and events to disseminate OSH culture.
  • Labour and Social Security Training and Research Centre (ÇASGEM) organizes the training for professionals and other related target groups for OSH in addition to the other trainings related to labour life.


Focal points' contact details

  • Calisma ve Sosyal Guvenlik Bakanligi
    Emek Mahallesi Naci Ayvalıoğlu Caddesi No: 13
    Contact person: Selçuk YAŞAR
    E-mail address:
    dgosh [at] csgb.gov.tr