
As of 1 January 2020, the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (FIOH) is the Focal Point in Finland for the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, EU-OSHA.
FIOH is a specialist organization that conducts research, offers services and is an active leader in the field of occupational health and safety and well-being at work. Our aim is to ensure that work creates well-being at workplaces, among individuals and in society.

As the Focal Point for Finland, FIOH will:

  • disseminate information regarding European research on work life to Finnish workplaces,
  • relay information on Finnish work life to EU-OSHA,
  • carry out the Healthy Workplaces campaigns on a national level,
  • manage a tripartite co-ordination group for Focal Point activities in Finland.

FIOH works in close collaboration with the Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, MSAH. The Ministry is responsible for supervising, improving and regulating safety and health at work in Finland. It represents Finland in the strategic-level activities of the Management Board of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work. 

European research information on work life

Healthy Workplace Campaigns in Finland

Occupational Safety and Health Administration in Finland  


Focal points' contact details

  • Työterveyslaitos
    P.O.Box 40
    Contact person: Taina PÄÄKKÖNEN
    E-mail address:
    FOP.Finland [at]