In Romania, the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Protection is the competent authority in the OSH field. The main responsibilities: drawing up the national policy and strategy in this field, drawing up drafts of normative acts in order to implement the national strategy and monitoring the enforcement of the legislation. The Labour Inspection is controlling the compliance with OSH legislation.
The National R&D Institute for Labour Protection "Alexandru Darabont" is establishing, based upon scientific grounds, the measures for the improvement of safety and health at work and is promoting the policy agreed for this field. The Ministry of Public Health is the central authority in the field of public health welfare. The Public Health Directorates is controlling compliance with occupational health standards and is contributing to the promotion of health at work. The National House of Pensions and Other Social Insurance Rights is the insurer in the field of occupational accidents and diseases.
The Romanian Focal Point manages the national OSH network and provides information on the Romanian web site of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work.