
In Lithuania, the Ministry of Social Security and Labour) implements the state policy in the field of occupational safety and health (OSH) according to its competence (together with the Ministry of Health). The State Labour Inspectorate operating under the auspices of the Ministry of Social Security and Labour is responsible for the prevention of accidents at work and occupational diseases, safety and health at work, the prevention of violations of legal acts regulating labour, as well as the control of compliance with the Labour Code of the Republic of Lithuania and with the laws and standard legal acts regulating occupational safety and health and relations between employers and employees in enterprises, institutions, organisations or other organisational structures, irrespective of their legal form, type and area of operation, also in cases where the employer is a natural person (National Labour Inspection Law No IX-1768).

The main legal acts regulating policy in the area of safety and health at work and its implementation in Lithuania are the Labour Code and the Law on Safety and Health at Work (No IX-1672).

The functions of the Lithuanian Focal Point of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work are carried out by the State Labour Inspectorate under the Ministry of Social Security and Labour. The Focal Point coordinates the Lithuanian information network on occupational safety and health which comprises the organisations of employees and employers, scientific and public institutions and bodies implementing national policy in the area of occupational safety and health.

Focal points' contact details

  • State Labour Inspectorate /Valstybinė darbo inspekcija
    Algirdo g. 19
    Contact person: Nerita SOT
    E-mail address:
    nerita.sot [at]