North Macedonia

The Ministry of Labour and Social Policy (MoLSP) is the National Focal Point and acts as the official EU-OSHA representative in the Republic of North Macedonia. The Mission of the MoLSP is to effectively create and implement policies in the area of labor market, social security, equal opportunities, protection and prevention against discrimination, in accordance with international standards and principles. This mission is being realized in pursuing its objectives, among which - the ones related to improving workers' rights through harmonized labor legislation in line with EU directives and ILO conventions and improving the system of safety and health at work and protection of workers' rights, as well as increasing the capacities for their implementation.

MoLSP in its role as EU-OSHA's National FOP supports and promotes the work of the Agency at national level, disseminates promotional and other OSH-related materials, facilitates sharing of OSH experiences and best practices, supports and promotes OSH campaigns (HWC), as well as organizes and/or participates in OSH events and marking of important international OSH dates.

For this purpose, it often makes use of the National OSH Council, the unique expert advisory body in the field of OSH at national level, established by the Government and composed of 15 members (representing the organizations of employers and workers, relevant state institutions, CSOs of professionals in safety at work and occupational medicine and the high education faculties).

Focal points' contact details

  • Ministry of Labour and Social Politics
    State Labour Inspectorate. Partizanski Odredi 48a
    North Macedonia
    Contact person: Maja PAPATOLEVSKA
    E-mail address:
    Maja.Papatolevska [at]