EU institutions

As one of the EU’s decentralised agencies, EU-OSHA is an autonomous EU body, maintaining close relationships, both formal and informal, with EU institutions and many EU bodies and agencies. The Liaison Office in Brussels plays an important role in sustaining these links.

EU-OSHA provides information to EU institutions as well as to Member States, Social Partners and the occupational safety and health (OSH) community. The institutions are among the primary users of its products and services.  Formal relationships include the following:

  1. EU-OSHA plays a key role in implementing EU policies in the area of OSH, notably the EU OSH Strategic Framework
  2. EU-OSHA’s Management Board includes representatives of the European Commission (EC) and one observer appointed by the European Parliament (EP)
  3. The contribution to EU-OSHA’s budget is determined through the general EU budgetary procedure.
  4. Various accountability mechanisms are in place, ensuring full reporting by  EU-OSHA to the Institutions on its activities

Informal relationships also exist:

  1. EU-OSHA invites institutional representatives to participate in its various projects and networks. EC officials regularly serve on advisory or steering committees for EU-OSHA projects. Speakers or participants from the EC, European Parliament or EU bodies are invited to EU-OSHA conferences;
  2. EU-OSHA cooperates with institutions on projects and events, and works with the Council on Presidency programmes, providing expertise, speakers, moderators or other support for Presidency events. Joint events are also organised with the European Parliament;
  3. EU-OSHA is involved in the EU institutions’ committees and networks, such as the EC’s Advisory Committee on Safety and Health at Work (ACSH) and the Senior Labour Inspectors’ Committee (SLIC).
  4. EU-OSHA regularly informs and collaborates with the formal European Social Dialogue   and its Sectoral Social Dialogue Committees.

European Commission

European Parliament

  • Employment and Social Affairs Committee: EU-OSHA reports to the EMPL Committee on a regular basis.  Frequent briefings are given to the Committee regarding EU-OSHA’s work programme and activities, as well as ongoing collaboration with key Members of the European Parliament (MEPs). 

The Council of the EU

  • The Council of the EU.  EU-OSHA collaborates systematically with the activities of the Council of the EU, specifically via its national Focal Point Network and via the members of the tripartite Management Board.  The Agency also provides assistance to those countries hosting the rotating Council presidency, via its national networks and in collaboration with the Brussels-based Permanent Representations to the EU.