In Poland, the basic legal act which provides for the right to safe and healthy working conditions is the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. The means of implementing this right is defined by law, namely the Labour Code. The basic Code regulation in the field of OSH can be found in Section X of the Code, on OSH, in Section VII on the protection of women at work, and in Section IX on the protection of young people at work. The organisational system of labour protection can be divided into a nationwide and cross-workplace system.
The former include the parliament, government and other state offices, state supervisory and control bodies, which have different tasks. The supervisory and control bodies include the National Labour Inspectorate, the National Health Inspectorate, the Office of Technical Inspection and the courts and public prosecutor's office. An important role in the OHS organisational system is played by the Labour Protection Council, which takes action at the Sejm of the Republic of Poland, and oversees the National Labour Inspectorate (for further details please visit: