
The Latvian Focal Point is administered by the State Labour Inspectorate. The flow of information is managed by the Information Board, which is made up of OSH representatives from the Ministry of Welfare, the State Labour Inspectorate, the Latvian Trade Union, the Latvian Employers’ Confederation as well as the Institute of Occupational Safety and Environmental Health (IOSEH).

The internet website design is one of the tasks managed by the Focal Point. On the website a variety of OSH-related information on the situation in Latvia is available. Interested parties can find news about further developments in legislation, planned activities, legislative provisions, publications and statistics, which contribute to an overall view of the area of occupational safety in Latvia.

Focal points' contact details

  • Valsts darba inspekcija
    Kr. Valdemara Str. 38 k-1
    Contact person: Linda MATISĀNE
    E-mail address:
    linda.matisane [at]