
The Ministry of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy is the main administrative body for safety and health at work in the Republic of Croatia. It closely cooperates with the Ministry of Health in the field OSH. Three more institutions are included in the implementation of safety and health at work:

  • The State Inspectorate is a central government authority that performs inspection tasks in 10 areas, including in the field of labour and OSH. There are 17 inspections for various fields including the Labour inspection in charge of labour and OSH.
  • Croatian Institute of Public Health is a leading public health institution in the country. Within the institute there is a Department of Occupational Health whose aim is to improve the quality of worker’s health.
  • Croatian Health Insurance Fund is an institution that finances health protection and safety at work and is under surveillance of the Ministry of Health. 

Focal points' contact details

  • Ministarstvo rada, mirovinskoga sustava, obitelji i socijalne politike
    Ulica grada Vukovara 78,
    10 000
    Contact person: Marina PRELEC
    E-mail address:
    marina.prelec [at]