person dealing with the performance of people at work and in training, developing an understanding of how organisations function and how individuals and groups behave at work in order to increase effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction at work
expertise field which deals with the psychological and mental demands of the job and how to evaluate the mental capacity of different individuals in order to achieve a proper placement from the health point of view
long-term or short-term hazard experienced in the workplace that may lead to damage, including chemical hazards, biological hazards, psychosocial hazards and physical hazards
gene that, when mutated or expressed at high levels, helps turn a normal cell into a tumor cell
free online tool that provides the resources and know-how required to enable micro and small organisations to assess risks themselves, through a step-by-step approach to the risk assessment process, beginning with the identification of workplace risks, then taking the user through the process of implementing preventive actions, and finally to monitoring and reporting risks
process of changing an organisation's strategies, processes, procedures, technologies and culture, as well as the effect of such changes on the organisation
perception of the employees at different organisational levels about different important elements of the work environment, such as events, procedures, rules and relations
An organisation's attitudes and values and how they impact on workers' psychosocial well-being
strategy for using best practices with proven results to find and create a diverse and inclusive workplace that brings together individuals of varied experiences, educational qualifications, age groups and backgrounds in a common place, and achieves desired results in recruitment, retention and management of diverse talent