Seminar reports
Back to seminarsWorkshop on occupational burden of disease
Taking place across the course of one full day the event aimed to stimulate debates in order to scope future EU-OSHA’s work on work-related diseases in the perspective of the multiannual programme and the large related OSH overview that is planned for 2015, 2016 and 2017. The workshop brought together experts nominated by our network of Focal Points, WHO, researchers, the European social partners, delegates from the Advisory Committee on Safety and Health at Work´s Working Parties, SCOEL, the senior labour inspectors committee, SLIC, and the European Commission. Within the Agency´s activities, the work on work-related diseases aims to contribute to providing an evidence base for prevention and better overview information on the extent of the occupational burden of disease.
The summary is available in the following languages besides English:
Bulgarian, Deutsch, Danish, Greek, Estonian, Finnish, French, Croatian, Hungarian, Italian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish and Dutch