The paper aims to provide practical insights and experiences that labour inspectors may encounter when dealing with robotics and digitalisation in the workplace. It also addresses the challenges labour inspectors face in applying existing legislation to a wide range of technological changes. The document features several case studies presenting a variety of potential scenarios that inspectors might encounter in the workplace. Additionally, the paper outlines the legislative options available to inspectors, detailing specific provisions that might be relevant if enforcement action becomes necessary.
This SLIC paper on digitalisation covers:
- A glossary of Terms
- An introduction on challenges and opportunities for OSH enforcement
- 7 Case studies
- Applicable legislation and risk assessment methodology
- Possible gaps or lack of clarity in legislation
- Survey results: experiences of Member States’ inspectorates in dealing with robotics and digitalisation
Publication details
Published by: Senior Labour Inspectors Committee (SLIC)
Publication date: June 2023
Number of pages: 52 pp.