Back to callsOSHA/2024/MVP/0010-ExA- Occupational Safety and Health of home care workers
The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) is planning to launch a call for tender for the above-mentioned subject matter.
The overall objectives of the contract to be awarded are:
• To provide an answer to the general question: What are the current and emerging OSH risks and issues for home care workers and how will these issues affect their safety and health and influence the overall service that they provide?
• To provide a broad-focus scoping study to identify the most appropriate issues when it comes to OSH in the sector with the aim of guiding OSH prevention, the adoption of policy measures and future research. The comprehensive overview should include information about risks and hazards; health-outcomes; OSH management; policies and legislative initiatives and examples of good practice, practical tools aimed at the workplace level. As such, the principal target group comprises policy-makers and researchers;
• To provide and develop new knowledge or information on the most prevalent risk factors as well as the health outcomes in the sector;
• To increase visibility and awareness on the new and emerging risks with a focus on the ones related to the digitalisation trend of the economy / sector, shortage of carers, etc.; • to provide policy-makers, social partners, OSH practitioners and researchers with a better understanding and a comprehensive, cross-national insight on the state of the art of the home care sector (services) when it comes to OSH in general;
• To contribute to identify gaps in terms of research when it comes to the health and safety of home care workers;
• To provide data and information to support the preparation of the forthcoming European wide campaign on Digitalisation (HWC 2023-25) and Mental Health at work (HWC 2026- 27).
Expected deliverables are:
• A report for publication (total length of approximately 80 pages or 75.000 words (excluding the executive summary and annexes).
• A power point presentation (max. 20 slides) based on the report findings.
• A policy brief to be published as stand-alone document. It will be based on the discussion and conclusion section included in the final report (four pages maximum).
• Six case studies / examples.
The maximum total budget available for the contract to be awarded is EUR 70.000 (excluding VAT).
The way, deadline and details for expressing your interest in being invited to tender are available on: