Germany: Safe and economical procedure for handling asbestos-containing putty in the glazing trade
Keywords:Asbestos is found at low levels in some glazing putty — used for several decades before 1993, when the asbestos ban came into force. Asbestos-containing putty was used with the single glazing of wooden windows, box windows, shed roofs, greenhouses and industrial buildings, as well as with the insulating glass of early aluminium-framed windows. In Germany, the Federal Association of Glazier Trades developed a procedure, and accompanying training and certification scheme, for the safe handling of asbestos-containing putty that avoids the need for the costly and time-consuming measures required for larger scale work with asbestos. The procedure is simple and inexpensive, making it feasible to implement even for small businesses, and ensures that workers and customers are protected from harmful levels of asbestos.