OSH news

Ensuring OSH comes with the daily bread by using OiRA

We all enjoy the smell of freshly baked goods, but did you know that flour is a hazardous substance for those being exposed to flour dust on a daily basis? Also, there are more risks involving the bakers’ duties.  These include the contact with hot surfaces or…

Mark your calendars: the European Week for Safety and Health at Work 2024 is coming!

Get ready for a week full of action! From October 21-25, the European Week for Safety and Health at Work returns, and this year it's all about Safe and Healthy Work in the Digital Age! With digital workplaces on the rise, it’s more important than ever to…

EU-OSHA's Executive Director William Cockburn discusses key transitions in safety and health at work

Good occupational safety and health (OSH) standards could save up to 3% of GDP, according to EU-OSHA's Executive Director, William Cockburn.  In his statement ahead of the Global Initiative for Safety and Health at Work (GISHW), Cockburn highlighted the…

OSHwiki article in the spotlight: Platform work and safety and health

Platform work is one of the fastest-growing employment forms in the EU, with over 28 million workers and counting.  But while digital platforms offer flexibility, they also come with serious safety and health risks.  From algorithmic control to lack of OSH…

OSHwiki article in the spotlight: Journalism and psychosocial risk factors

This OSHwiki article gives an overview of how journalists are exposed to psychosocial risks which can impact on their mental and physical health and well-being, causing illness and absence from work.  It also defines what the psychosocial risk factors are,…

OiRA at the service of petrol station workers

Ensuring compliance with occupational safety and health (OSH) legislation is key to maintain workers from the petrol station industry safe and healthy. Apart from exposure to highly flammable dangerous substances, they may experience accidents like trips,…

Guiding professionals through the OiRA tools prepared for Lithuania

Lithuania has been proactive in developing several Online interactive Risk Assessment (OiRA) tools to support risks assessments tailored to the specific needs of its diverse economic sectors. Currently, tools have been created for 24 distinct industries,…

Last call for entries: Good Practice Awards, take part in the digital world of work!

Organised by our national focal points, the Healthy Workplaces Good Practice Awards recognise organisations that demonstrate innovative approaches to occupational safety and health (OSH) risks and worker well-being related to the introduction of digital…

AI and worker safety: what do the experts say?

Artificial Intelligence's (AI) potential to reshape work organisation and automate repetitive, hazardous tasks was a key focus in a recent interview with Maurizio Curtarelli, featured on the blog Reshaping Work.  Topics discussed included the implications of…

ITCILO courses on OSH and labour inspection

The International Training Centre of the International Labour Organisation (ITCILO) is organising a series of courses in the field of occupational safety and health (OSH) and labour inspection for the second half of 2024.  The training courses will be offered…