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Marking the World OSH Day in Montenegro

On 28 April 2023, EU-OSHA participated at the event "Healthy working environment as a basic right to work", organised by the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Administration of Inspection Affairs of Montenegro and the ILO, in Podgorica with the aim to mark the World OSH Day.

Following introductory speeches by the Minister of Labour and Social Welfare, Mr Admir Adrović, the UN resident coordinator to Montenegro, Mr Peter Lundberg and by a representative from the Ministry OSH directorate, Michele Dinelli shared information about the role of EU-OSHA, including the importance of the EU funded IPA project aiming at integrating Montenegro into the Agency’s network, and he presented the results of the latest Flash Eurobarometer survey on Psychosocial Risks (2022) to underline their negative impact on workers’ health. 

In the following two panels, composed respectively by the director of the Ministry of Labour OSH Directorate (Ms Danijela Šuković), the head of the Administration of Inspection Affairs (Mr Zlatko Popović - EU-OSHA FOP manager), a judge of the Basic Court (Ms Tamara Brnović) as well as representatives from the Employers Federation, from the Union of Free Trade Unions and from the Confederation of Trade Unions [panel 1], and by a representative of the Ministry of Labour (Ms Jovana Bošković), by OSH professionals and by OSH associations [panel 2], the discussion focused respectively on the basics of OSH in Montenegro and on the presentation of the actual situation from the point of view of OSH actors.

The conference was an important opportunity to exchange OSH knowledge, information, and experiences also from the view point of OSH professionals and social partners.

In the photo, from left to right: MD, Mr Aleksandar Memčević, Minister Admir Adrović, Ms Jovana Bošković, UN representative Mr Peter Lundberg, Ms Ana Vujošević and ILO PM Ms Nina Krgović