Back to latest postsIPA project 2023-2025
On 22 December 2022, EU-OSHA signed the Contribution Agreement with the European Commission, providing the legal and financial basis to ensure the implementation of the IPA project with Western Balkans and Türkiye.
The action "Preparatory measures for the future participation of IPA III beneficiaries in the network of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work", covers a period of 36 months for the years 2023-2025 and focuses on a) Development and maintenance of a network of knowledge-sharing and exchange following EU-OSHA model used with EUMSs; and b) Awareness raising among the key OSH actors and development of technical capacities among OSH stakeholders.
The IPA action foresees 6 main project outputs:
1) FoPs in beneficiaries participating in the broader EU-OSHA networks;
2) OSH knowledge transfer between EU-OSHA, EUMSs, and beneficiaries;
3) Trainings and awareness raising events in beneficiaries;
4) IPA Regional Conferences;
5) Translated OSH information materials;
6) Tools for OSH management; and
7) Access to OSH surveys.
The IPA project manager took up his duties on 1 February 2023