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EU-OSHA - supporting Hungarian Social Dialogue

Tim Tregenza

EU-OSHA is a tripartite organisation, and as such recognises the importance of social dialogue at European, national, and workplace levels. In July 2010, the Hungarian ICT Social Dialogue Committee visited the Agency in a trip coordinated by the Hungarian workers' representative on the Governing Board of EU-OSHA, Károly György.

The information technology and communications industries are rapidly developing sectors that are at the heart of the "changing world of work". The sector faces a range of hazards and risks, so it was a great pleasure for EU-OSHA to welcome these Hungarian visitors from amongst others the Metalworkers' Federation, Hungarian Cable Communication Association, and the National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers. Staff members Xabi Irastorza, Heike Klempa, Zinta Podniece, and Michaela Seifert all presented the work of the EU-OSHA and explained how it was relevant to the ICT sector. Unsurprisingly given the background of this visiting group, the availabliliy of multilingual information and multimedia content on the Agency's website created a lot of interest and there was much discussion on the importance of having accessible information on occupational safety and health.