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EU-OSHA participates at a workshop on EU OSH policies in Podgorica, Montenegro

On 28 May 2024, EU-OSHA participated in a workshop, organised by the Focal Point of Montenegro, the Administration of Inspection Affairs, aimed at raising awareness on the importance of social dialogue.

On 28 May 2024, EU-OSHA participated at the workshop on "EU OSH policies" organised by the Administration of Inspection Affairs, EU-OSHA Focal point of Montenegro, and the NGO "Safety at Work Association of Montenegro" (SWAM). The workshop had the aim to raise awareness on the EU and EUMS OSH practices; as well as on the importance of social dialogue and the involvement of national social partners in the policy making process to strengthen the prevention of OSH risks in the workplace.

The workshop was opened by interventions from Darko Rašović, deputy director of the Administration of Inspection Affairs, Michele Dinelli, EU-OSHA IPA project manager, and Birgitte Kuchar, EUD to Montenegro project manager, who all underlined the importance of tripartism. Afterwards, Ivan Williams, IOSH, presented the global OSH framework and the support to knowledge sharing provided by IOSH; Michele Dinelli, EU-OSHA, explained how the Agency strategy and work programme are tailored to the EU OSH Strategic Framework 2021-2027, and he introduced the main EU OSH principles deriving from the EU framework directive; Károly Győrgy, former international secretary of the Hungarian Trade Union Confederation, underlined the importance of social dialogue and shared important practical experiences regarding the OSH tripartite system; Đina Janković, who was also acting as event moderator, underlined the work done by SWAM in supporting OSH dialogue at national level and within the Region, through the support of EU funded projects and through the regional network BalkanOSH, and stressed the importance of raising OSH awareness among students; finally, Zlatko Popović, FOP manager, shared information on the work of the Administration for Inspection Affairs within the context of supporting compliance and the implementation of the EU OSH legislation in Montenegro. Following the presentations, the audience had the possibility to raise questions and to seek for advice from the panel on how to best implement social dialogue. The audience was represented by social partners' representatives (trade union and employers' associations) and one representative from the ministry of Health. No attendance was registered from the ministry of Labour.