On 19-20 November the Director of EU-OSHA, Dr Christa Sedlatschek, visited Denmark in order to meet and exchange information with key stakeholders. A comprehensive programme had been organised by the Danish Focal Point and Head of Unit Ms Charlotte Skjoldager, the Danish Working Environment Authority.

November 2012 marked a new milestone for the ILO-CIS Centres' Network run by the International Labour Office. The network celebrated its 50th meeting on 20/21 November 2012, bringing together collaborating centres from around the world to the ILO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.

Malta may be the smallest Member State in the EU by both area and population size, but it is one of the leaders in the proactive protection of its workers. On 14/15 November, The Occupational Safety and Health Authority of Malta (OHSA) hosted a focal point network meeting of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work.

The cartoon character Napo has done some great work for us and our partners in the Napo consortium over the years, helping to get our health and safety messages across in a fun and accessible way. We’ve seen him dealing with the hazards of loud noise, tobacco smoke and heavy lifting in the workplace. Now, he’s turning his attention to dangerous chemical substances, and changes in the way that they are packaged and labeled.

Cyprus: 50,000 lottery tickets with the logo of the Healthy Workplaces Campaign

Anyone who has taken part in the Cyprus lottery recently might have noticed something unusual about it: the logo of our most recent Healthy Workplaces Campaign, Working Together for Risk Prevention, has been appearing on tickets. With the lottery very popular among Cypriot employees, this is just one of the imaginative ways of getting across our message about the Campaign, which we’ve seen during the European Week for Safety and Health at Work.