EU-OSHA’s multilingual thesaurus of occupational safety and health terminology lists words grouped together in a hierarchy. It includes synonyms and antonyms of those words and some definitions.
EU-OSHA thesaurus
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work-related health problem
issue affecting workers' health, the health and safety aspects of their work and work environment, the organisation of work and the management philosophy of the workplace
Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are the most common of all reported work-related health problems in the European Union. Manual load handling, working in prolonged and/or awkward postures and repetitive movements are all risk factors for MSDs, as are non-biomechanical factors such as stress.
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA), Health and safety risks at the workplace: a joint analysis of three major surveys, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2017, p. 6, [9.10.2018]
Musculoskeletal disorders are the most serious work-related health problem followed by stress
- Български: свързан с условията на труд здравен проблем
- Čeština: zdravotní problém související s prací
- Dansk: arbejdsbetinget helbredsproblem
- Deutsch: arbeitsbedingtes Gesundheitsproblem
- Ελληνικά: πρόβλημα υγείας που σχετίζεται με την εργασία
- English: work-related health problem
- Español: problema de salud relacionado con el trabajo
- Eesti: tööga seotud terviseprobleem
- Suomi: työperäinen terveysongelma
- Français: problème de santé lié au travail
- Hrvatski: zdravstveni problem povezan s radom
- Magyar: munkával összefüggő egészségügyi probléma
- Íslenska: vinnutengd heilsufarsvandamál
- Italiano: problema di salute connesso al lavoro
- Lietuvių: su darbu susijusi sveikatos problema
- Latviešu: ar darbu saistīta veselības problēma
- Malti: problema tas-saħħa relatata max-xogħol
- Nederlands: werkgerelateerd gezondheidsprobleem
- Norsk: arbeidsrelatert helseproblem
- Polski: problem zdrowotny związany z pracą
- Português: problema de saúde relacionado com o trabalho
- Română: problemă de sănătate în muncă
- Slovenčina: zdravotný problém súvisiaci so zamestnaním
- Slovenščina: z delom povezana zdravstvena težava
- Svenska: arbetsrelaterat hälsoproblem