EU-OSHA’s multilingual thesaurus of occupational safety and health terminology lists words grouped together in a hierarchy. It includes synonyms and antonyms of those words and some definitions.

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workplace reintegration


organised and cooperative approach to preventing job loss by restoring the employability of employees who have fallen ill and safeguarding their employability for the long term

Context: Info

Return to work is a concept encompassing all procedures and initiatives intended to facilitate the workplace reintegration of persons who experience a reduction in work capacity or capability, whether this is due to invalidity, illness or ageing

Term reference

Belin, A., Dupont, C., Oulès, L., Kuipers, Y., Fries-Tersch, E., Rehabilitation and return to work: Analysis report on EU and Member States policies, strategies and programmes, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2016, p. 6, [9.10.2018]


  • Български: реинтеграция на работното място
  • Čeština: reintegrace na pracovišti
  • Dansk: tilbagevenden til arbejdspladsen
  • Deutsch: berufliche Wiedereingliederung
  • Ελληνικά: επανένταξη στην εργασία
  • English: workplace reintegration
  • Español: gestión de la reincorporación al puesto de trabajo
  • Eesti: töökohale taasintegreerimine
  • Suomi: työhön uudelleensopeuttaminen
  • Français: retour au travail
  • Hrvatski: reintegracija na radno mjesto
  • Magyar: munkahelyi reintegráció
  • Íslenska: enduraðlögun á vinnustað
  • Italiano: reintegrazione nel posto di lavoro
  • Lietuvių: reintegracija darbo vietoje
  • Latviešu: "reintegrācija darbavietā"
  • Malti: riintegrazzjoni fil-post tax-xogħol
  • Nederlands: re-integratie op de werkplek
  • Norsk: gjenoppretting av arbeidsevnen
  • Polski: ponowna integracja w miejscu pracy
  • Português: reintegração no trabalho
  • Română: reintegrare în muncă
  • Slovenčina: spätné začlenenie na pracovisku
  • Slovenščina: ponovna vključitev na delovno mesto
  • Svenska: återanpassning till arbetsplatsen