EU-OSHA’s multilingual thesaurus of occupational safety and health terminology lists words grouped together in a hierarchy. It includes synonyms and antonyms of those words and some definitions.
EU-OSHA thesaurus
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consolidated methodology aimed at supporting decision making usually in turbulent, complex and with numerous actors involved or to be involved
A scenario-building method was used for this foresight. The outcome of the project is a set of scenarios covering a range of new technologies in green jobs and the impact they could have on workers health and safety.
Foresight on new and emerging occupational safety and health risks associated with information and communication technologies and work location by 2025, Final report, European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, 2018
- Български: разработка на сценарии
- Čeština: tvorba scénářů
- Dansk: scenarieopbygning
- Deutsch: Szenarioentwicklung
- Ελληνικά: ανάπτυξη σεναρίων
- English: scenario-building
- Español: elaboración de escenarios
- Eesti: stsenaariumite koostamine
- Suomi: skenaarion laatiminen
- Français: élaboration de scénarios
- Hrvatski: izrada scenarija
- Magyar: forgatókönyv-kidolgozás
- Íslenska: sviðsmyndagerð
- Italiano: sviluppo degli scenari
- Lietuvių: scenarijų kūrimas
- Latviešu: scenāriju veidošana
- Malti: bini ta' xenarji
- Nederlands: scenariomethode
- Norsk: scenariemetodikk
- Polski: tworzenie scenariuszy
- Português: construção de cenários
- Română: creare de scenarii
- Slovenčina: vytváranie scenárov
- Slovenščina: priprava scenarijev
- Svenska: uppbyggnad av scenarier