EU-OSHA’s multilingual thesaurus of occupational safety and health terminology lists words grouped together in a hierarchy. It includes synonyms and antonyms of those words and some definitions.
EU-OSHA thesaurus
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language barriers
challenge of communicating with colleagues or employees whose command of the language is limited, often leading to a fractured and less productive workplace
The important advantage of information exchange is that it allows Member States to initiate investigations, identify possible parallel proceedings in other Member States, exchange evidence, overcome language barriers, and build mutual trust.
Eurojust Annual Report 2012, URL: [20.08.2014]
- Български: езикови бариери
- Čeština: language barriers
- Dansk: sprogbarrierer
- Deutsch: Sprachbarrieren
- Ελληνικά: γλωσσικοί φραγμοί
- English: language barriers
- Español: language barriers
- Eesti: keelebarjäär
- Suomi: kieliesteet
- Français: barrières linguistiques
- Hrvatski: jezične prepreke u području sigurnosti i zdravlja na radu
- Magyar: nyelvi korlátok
- Íslenska: tungumálahindranir
- Italiano: barriere linguistiche
- Lietuvių: kalbos barjeras
- Latviešu: valodas barjera
- Malti: ostakli lingwistiċi
- Nederlands: taalbarrières
- Norsk: språkbarrierer
- Polski: bariery językowe
- Português: obstáculos linguísticos
- Română: bariere lingvistice
- Slovenčina: jazykové bariéry
- Slovenščina: jezikovne ovire
- Svenska: språkbarriärer