EU-OSHA’s multilingual thesaurus of occupational safety and health terminology lists words grouped together in a hierarchy. It includes synonyms and antonyms of those words and some definitions.

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Info -

digital work


effort performed by robotic process automation systems, which is mediated and assisted by the human brain, digital media and speech and technologies such as cloud computing, social media, big data mobility, data analytics and machine learning, to create new products and outcomes

Context: Info

Specific provisions concerning OSH could also be included in this sector-specific regulation of online platform work, distinguishing between digital work and manual work. The application of existing regulation, such as employment law and OSH, is particularly challenged by the almost inevitably triangular (or multilateral) nature of the online platform work arrangements, their often temporary nature and the sometimes relatively high measure of autonomy of the worker especially in terms of working place and time.

Term reference

Garben, S., Protecting Workers in the Online Platform Economy: An overview of regulatory and policy developments in the EU - European Risk Observatory Discussion paper, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2017, p. 23, [9.10.2018] // SYN: Fuchs, C., Sevignani, S., ‘What Is Digital Labour? What Is Digital Work? What’s their Difference? And Why Do These Questions Matter for Understanding Social Media?’, tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique, Vol. 11, No 2, tripleC, London, 6.6.2013, pp. 237-293, [9.10.2018]


Different from digital labour 


  • Български: цифрова работа
  • Čeština: digitální práce
  • Dansk: digitalt arbejde
  • Deutsch: digitale Arbeit
  • Ελληνικά: ψηφιακή εργασία
  • English: digital work
  • Español: empleo digital
  • Eesti: digitaalne töö
  • Suomi: digitaalinen työ
  • Français: travail numérique
  • Hrvatski: digitalni rad
  • Magyar: digitális munka
  • Íslenska: stafræn vinna
  • Italiano: lavoro digitale
  • Lietuvių: skaitmeninis darbas
  • Latviešu: digitalizēts darbs
  • Malti: xogħol diġitali
  • Nederlands: digitaal werk
  • Norsk: digitalt arbeid
  • Polski: praca cyfrowa
  • Română: activitate digitală
  • Slovenčina: digitálna práca
  • Slovenščina: digitalno delo
  • Svenska: digitalt arbete