EU-OSHA’s multilingual thesaurus of occupational safety and health terminology lists words grouped together in a hierarchy. It includes synonyms and antonyms of those words and some definitions.

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digital native


personwho has grown up with digital technologies and is comfortable using them

Context: Info

The term 'digital native' falsely suggests that young people intuitively know how to use digital technologies. But evidence shows that a substantial percentage of young people in Europe lack basic ICT skills (ECDL Foundation 2015).

Term reference

ECDL Foundation, The Fallacy of the ‘Digital Native’: Why Young People Need to Develop their Digital Skills, 2014, p. 1,'digitalnative'positionpaper1_1.pdf [9.10.2018]


The term suggests that young people intuitively know how to use technology and hence have no need for digital education or training.


  • Български: лице от цифровото поколение
  • Čeština: příslušník digitální generace
  • Dansk: digitalt indfødt
  • Deutsch: Digital Native
  • Ελληνικά: ψηφιακά εκπαιδευμένα
  • English: digital native
  • Español: empresa nativa digital
  • Eesti: diginoor
  • Suomi: tietoyhteiskunnan kasvatti
  • Français: natif du numérique
  • Hrvatski: osoba digitalnog doba
  • Magyar: digitális bennszülött
  • Íslenska: tölvalningur
  • Italiano: nativo digitale
  • Lietuvių: skaitmeninių technologijų epochos karta
  • Latviešu: digitāli izglītotās paaudzes pārstāvis
  • Malti: nattivi diġitali
  • Nederlands: digitale native
  • Norsk: digitalt innfødt
  • Polski: cyfrowy tubylec
  • Português: nativo digital
  • Română: „nativ al erei digitale”
  • Slovenčina: osoba narodená v digitálnej ére
  • Slovenščina: digitalni domorodec
  • Svenska: digital inföding