EU-OSHA’s multilingual thesaurus of occupational safety and health terminology lists words grouped together in a hierarchy. It includes synonyms and antonyms of those words and some definitions.

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low skilled worker


individual whose level of educational attainment is lower than a predetermined standard

Context: Info

When a low-skilled worker is in work practice, there may be a stronger need for following up both the participant and the employer. The

Term reference

Terminology of European education and training policy, second edition, 2014. [18.4.2016]


  • Български: нискоквалифициран работник
  • Čeština: pracovník s nízkou kvalifikací
  • Dansk: kortuddannet arbejdskraft
  • Deutsch: gering qualifizierte Person
  • Ελληνικά: ανειδίκευτοι εργαζόμενοι
  • English: low skilled worker
  • Español: low skilled worker
  • Eesti: madala kvalifikatsiooniga töötaja
  • Suomi: vähäisen ammattitaidon omaava työntekijä
  • Français: travailleur peu qualifié
  • Hrvatski: low skilled worker
  • Magyar: alacsony iskolai végzettségű munkavállaló
  • Íslenska: launafólk með litla færni
  • Italiano: lavoratore poco qualificato
  • Lietuvių: žemos kvalifikacijos darbuotojas
  • Latviešu: mazkvalificēts darba ņēmējs
  • Malti: ħaddiem b'livell baxx ta' kwalifiki
  • Nederlands: laaggeschoolde werknemer
  • Norsk: lavt utdannet arbeider
  • Polski: pracownik o niskich umiejętnościach
  • Português: trabalhador pouco qualificado
  • Română: mână de lucru slab calificată
  • Slovenčina: nízkokvalifikovaný pracovník
  • Slovenščina: nizko usposobljen delavec
  • Svenska: lågkvalificerad arbetskraft