EU-OSHA’s multilingual thesaurus of occupational safety and health terminology lists words grouped together in a hierarchy. It includes synonyms and antonyms of those words and some definitions.

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silo filler's disease


nitrous fume intoxication from fresh silage characterized by cough, shortness of breath and weakness, followed after an interval by a second more severe phase of fever, chills, severe shortness of breath and cyanosis

Context: Info

The hazards associated with silos include accidents, collapse and sudden death, nitrogen dioxide (NO2)-induced injury, and related disorders from grains such as mycotoxicosis, allergic alveolitiso or asthma. The term “silo-filler's disease” is generally limited to silo gas or NO2-related hazardous effects.

Term reference

Mayo Clinic "Silo-Filler's Disease: A New Perspective", Gary R. Epler, M.D. Department of Medicine, New England Baptist Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts,


not to be confused with farmer's lung associated with inhalation of biologic dusts


  • Български: болест на работещи в силози
  • Čeština: onemocnění ze siláže
  • Dansk: silofylder-sygdom
  • Deutsch: Silo-Füller-Krankheit
  • Ελληνικά: νόσος των εργατών σε σιλό
  • English: silo filler's disease
  • Español: enfermedad de los ensiladores
  • Eesti: silohaigus
  • Suomi: siilontäyttäjäntauti
  • Français: maladie des remplisseurs de silos
  • Hrvatski: bolest silosnih radnika
  • Magyar: silótöltők betegsége
  • Íslenska: sílóáfyllingarsjúkdómur
  • Italiano: malattia degli addetti ai silos
  • Lietuvių: silosinės darbuotojo liga
  • Latviešu: silosu piepildītāju slimība
  • Malti: marda ta' silo filler
  • Nederlands: silovullersziekte
  • Norsk: silofyllers sykdom
  • Polski: płuco pracowników silosów
  • Português: doença dos enchedores de silos
  • Română: boala lucrătorilor din silozuri
  • Slovenčina: choroba zo siláže
  • Slovenščina: bolezen polnilcev silosov
  • Svenska: siloarbetarsjuka