EU-OSHA’s multilingual thesaurus of occupational safety and health terminology lists words grouped together in a hierarchy. It includes synonyms and antonyms of those words and some definitions.

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Info -

non-sexual harassment


hostile work environment in which an employee is harassed on the basis of racist or negative comments, religion, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity, offensive gestures, drawings or clothing

Context: Info

Unlawful threats and non-sexual harassment represented 40% of all reported anti-Roma hate crimes, which makes this the most common crime category. Defamation (20%) and unlawful discrimination (15%) were the next most common types of crime.

Term reference

"FRA, ""Sweden FRANET National Focal Point Social Thematic Study The situation of Roma 2012"","


  • Български: несексуален тормоз
  • Čeština: obtěžování nesexuální povahy
  • Dansk: ikke-seksuel chikane
  • Deutsch: nichtsexuelle Belästigung
  • Ελληνικά: μη σεξουαλική παρενόχληση
  • English: non-sexual harassment
  • Español: acoso no sexual
  • Eesti: mitteseksuaalne ahistamine
  • Suomi: muu kuin seksuaalinen häirintä
  • Français: harcèlement moral
  • Hrvatski: non-sexual harassment
  • Magyar: nem szexuális jellegű zaklatás
  • Íslenska: ókynferðisleg áreitni
  • Italiano: molestia non sessuale
  • Lietuvių: neseksualinis priekabiavimas
  • Latviešu: neseksuāla uzmākšanās
  • Malti: fastidju mhux sesswali
  • Nederlands: pesten
  • Norsk: trakassering
  • Polski: molestowanie nie seksualne
  • Português: assédio não sexual
  • Română: hărțuire non-sexuală
  • Slovenčina: obťažovanie nesexeuálnej povahy
  • Slovenščina: nespolno nadlegovanje
  • Svenska: icke-sexuella trakasserier