EU-OSHA’s multilingual thesaurus of occupational safety and health terminology lists words grouped together in a hierarchy. It includes synonyms and antonyms of those words and some definitions.

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EU-OSHA thesaurus

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european legislation


system of laws operating within the member states of the European Union that are divided into 'primary' and 'secondary' legislation

Context: Info

European legislation provides a hierarchy of measures to prevent or reduce the exposure of workers to dangerous substances.

Term reference

"EU-OSHA Facts nr. 34 ""Elimination and substitution of dangerous substances"",, [09/2018]"


  • Български: европейско законодателство
  • Čeština: evropské právní předpisy
  • Dansk: europæisk lovgivning
  • Deutsch: europäische Gesetzgebung
  • Ελληνικά: ευρωπαϊκή νομοθεσία
  • English: european legislation
  • Español: european legislation
  • Eesti: Euroopa õigusaktid
  • Suomi: eurooppalainen lainsäädäntö
  • Français: législation européenne
  • Hrvatski: europsko zakonodavstvo
  • Magyar: európai jogszabályok
  • Íslenska: Evrópulöggjöf
  • Italiano: legislazione europea
  • Lietuvių: Europos teisės aktai
  • Latviešu: Eiropas tiesību akti
  • Malti: leġiżlazzjoni Ewropea
  • Nederlands: Europese wetgeving
  • Norsk: europeisk lovgivning
  • Polski: prawodawstwo europejskie
  • Português: legislação europeia
  • Română: legislația europeană
  • Slovenčina: európska legislatíva
  • Slovenščina: evropska zakonodaja
  • Svenska: europeisk lagstiftning