EU-OSHA’s multilingual thesaurus of occupational safety and health terminology lists words grouped together in a hierarchy. It includes synonyms and antonyms of those words and some definitions.
EU-OSHA thesaurus
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collective representation outside workplace
representation of workers’ interests in health and safety through formal arrangements outside the workplace, by statutory or voluntary means, subject to ILO Convention 155 and international regulatory provisions on health and safety management and providing for a number of minimum legal rights for effective worker representation
Worker representation and consultation on health and safety - An analysis of the findings of the European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks (ESENER), European Risk Observ atory, Report, European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, [27.9.2018]"
- Български: колективно представителство извън работното място
- Čeština: kolektivní zastupování mimo pracoviště
- Dansk: kollektiv repræsentation uden for arbejdspladsen
- Deutsch: kollektive Vertretung außerhalb des Arbeitsplatzes
- Ελληνικά: συλλογική εκπροσώπηση εκτός του χώρου εργασίας
- English: collective representation outside workplace
- Español: representación colectiva fuera del lugar de trabajo
- Eesti: kollektiivne töötajate esindamine väljaspool töökohta
- Suomi: työpaikan ulkopuolinen työntekijäedustus
- Français: représentation collective en dehors du lieu de travail
- Hrvatski: kolektivno zastupanje izvan radnog mjesta
- Magyar: munkahelyen kívüli kollektív képviselet
- Íslenska: sameiginleg framsetning og kynning út á við frá vinnustaðnum
- Italiano: rappresentanza collettiva esterna al luogo di lavoro
- Lietuvių: Įmonės kolektyvo atstovavimas
- Latviešu: kolektīva pārstāvība ārpus darba vietas
- Malti: rappreżentanza kollettiva barra l-post tax-xogħol
- Nederlands: vakbond
- Norsk: formell representasjon utenfor arbeidsplassen
- Polski: zbiorowa reprezentacja poza miejscem pracy
- Português: representação coletiva fora do local de trabalho
- Română: reprezentare colectivă în afara locului de muncă
- Slovenčina: kolektívne zastupovanie mimo pracoviska
- Slovenščina: kolektivno zastopanje zunaj delovnega mesta
- Svenska: kollektiv representation utanför arbetsplatsen