EU-OSHA’s multilingual thesaurus of occupational safety and health terminology lists words grouped together in a hierarchy. It includes synonyms and antonyms of those words and some definitions.

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collective protective measure


measure to eliminate workplace risks at source, through technical or organisational means or by providing protection on a collective basis, like providing scaffolding instead of harnesses, that have priority over protective measures applying to individual employees

Context: Info

If risks are not avoidable or preventable, how can they be reduced to a level at which the health and safety of those exposed is not compromised? The following additional general principles of prevention should be followed:… giving collective protective measures priority over individual protective measures (e.g. controlling exposure to fumes through local exhaust ventilation rather than personal respirators)

Term reference

Innovative solutions to safety and heath risks in the construction, health care and HORECA sectors, European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, [28.9.2018]


  • Български: колективна защитна мярка
  • Čeština: kolektivní ochranné opatření
  • Dansk: kollektiv beskyttelsesforanstaltning
  • Deutsch: kollektive Schutzmaßnahme
  • Ελληνικά: μέτρο συλλογικής προστασίας
  • English: collective protective measure
  • Español: medida de protección colectiva
  • Eesti: kollektiivne kaitsemeede
  • Suomi: yleinen suojelutoimenpide
  • Français: mesure de protection collective
  • Hrvatski: kolektivna zaštitna mjera
  • Magyar: kollektív védelmi intézkedés
  • Íslenska: sameiginlegar forvarnaraðgerðir
  • Italiano: misura di protezione collettiva
  • Lietuvių: kolektyvinė apsaugos priemonė
  • Latviešu: kolektīvs aizsardzības pasākums
  • Malti: miżuri kollettivi ta' protezzjoni
  • Nederlands: collectieve beschermingsmaatregel
  • Norsk: kollektive vernetiltak
  • Polski: środek ochrony zbiorowej
  • Português: medida de proteção coletiva
  • Română: măsură de protecție colectivă
  • Slovenčina: kolektívne ochranné opatrenie
  • Slovenščina: kolektivni varnostni ukrep
  • Svenska: kollektiv skyddsåtgärd