EU-OSHA’s multilingual thesaurus of occupational safety and health terminology lists words grouped together in a hierarchy. It includes synonyms and antonyms of those words and some definitions.

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binding biological limit value


"limit value drawn up at a Community level on the basis of evaluation, as described for IOELVs, and on the availability of measurement techniques "

Context: Info

The European Commission has set a binding occupational exposure limit of 0.15 mg lead/m3 calculated over a 40-hour working week, and a binding biological limit value of 70 μg lead/dL.

Term reference

State of the art report on reproductive toxicants, Literature Review, European Risk Observatory Summary, European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, 2016, [28.9.2018]


Reflects feasibility factors while maintaining the aim of ensuring the health of workers at work. For any chemical agent for which a binding biological limit value is established, Member States should establish a corresponding national binding biological limit value based on, but not exceeding, the Community limit value. The BBLV is established for lead and its ionic compounds.


  • Български: задължителна биологична гранична стойност
  • Čeština: závazná biologická limitní hodnota
  • Dansk: bindende biologisk grænseværdi
  • Deutsch: verbindlicher biologischer Grenzwert
  • Ελληνικά: δεσμευτική οριακή τιμή έκθεσης σε βιολογικούς παράγοντες
  • English: binding biological limit value
  • Español: valor límite biológico vinculante
  • Eesti: siduv bioloogiline piirnorm
  • Suomi: sitova biologinen raja-arvo
  • Français: valeur limite biologique contraignante
  • Hrvatski: obvezujuća biološka granična vrijednost
  • Magyar: kötelező biológiai határérték
  • Íslenska: bindandi líffræðileg viðmiðunarmörk
  • Italiano: valore limite biologico obbligatorio
  • Lietuvių: privaloma biologinė ribinė vertė
  • Latviešu: saistoša bioloģiskā limita vērtība
  • Malti: valur bijoloġiku tal-limitu li jorbot
  • Nederlands: bindende biologische grenswaarde
  • Norsk: bindende biologisk grenseverdi
  • Polski: wiążąca dopuszczalna wartość biologiczna
  • Português: valor-limite biológico vinculativo
  • Română: valoare-limită biologică obligatorie
  • Slovenčina: záväzná biologická limitná hodnota
  • Slovenščina: zavezujoča biološka mejna vrednost
  • Svenska: tvingande biologiskt gränsvärde